Workshop half day:
October 23rd 2016 (8:30am - 12:10pm)
Call for paper (link)
June 6th 2016
Position papers deadline:
July 29th 2016
August 10th 2016
Notifications of acceptance:
August 15th 2016
August 29th 2016
Camera ready deadline
September 7th 2016
This workshop takes place at the beginning of the upcoming IEEE VIS 2016 conference (23-28 October 2016, Baltimore, MD, USA), which is the premier venue for visualization. The workshop is open to anyone who previously registered at the conference. This website is still in progress, please come back frequently to get updates (and see recent changes here) or contact us directly.
Download the workshop proceedings
To cite this workshop:
Romain Vuillemot, Jeremy Boy, Aurélien Tabard, Charles Perin,
Jean-Daniel Fekete. LIVVIL: Logging Interactive Visualizations
and Visualizing Interaction Logs. Workshop IEEE VIS 2016,
Oct 2016, Baltimore, United States. 2016.
Or using BibTex:
AUTHOR = {Vuillemot, Romain and Boy, Jeremy and Tabard, Aur{\'e}lien and Perin, Charles and Fekete, Jean-Daniel},
URL = {},
ADDRESS = {Baltimore, United States},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = Oct,
KEYWORDS = {Logs},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-01535913},
"Visualizing and manipulating temporal event sequences with EventFlow: challenges and lessons learned for log analysis."
Speaker: Catherine Plaisant, Human-Computer Interaction Lab, University of Maryland.
Abstract: The Human-Computer Interaction Lab has developed tools such as EventFlow and Coco for event sequence analytics, which help analysts explore aggregated visual representations, search for specific patterns, compare groups of records, and interactively model the data to answer users’ specific questions. Through demonstrations I will quickly review the design elements that were most useful for log analysis and discuss challenges we encountered.
Bio: Catherine Plaisant is a Senior Research Scientist at the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies and Associate Director of Research of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab. Catherine Plaisant has over 140 published papers, on subjects as diverse as information visualization, medical informatics, universal access, digital humanities, technology for families, and evaluation methodologies. With Ben Shneiderman she co-authored the 4th, 5th and 6th Editions of Designing the User Interface, one of the major books on Human-Computer Interaction.
08:30 - 08:40 | Opening & Welcome and introduction by the workshop organizers: "Challenges in Logging Interactive Visualizations and Visualizing Interaction Logs" (Moderator: Romain Vuillemot) (slides) |
08:40 - 09:15 | Keynote by Catherine Plaisant |
09:15 - 09:40 | Panel papers presentations I: Logging Visualizations (Moderator: Aurélien Tabard) "Logging in Visualizations: Challenges of Interaction Techniques Beyond Mouse and Keyboard" Tom Horak, Ulrike Kister, Konstantin Klamka, Ricardo Langner, Raimund Dachselt. (slides) "Requirements for Visual Interaction Analysis Systems" Yi Han, Gregory D. Abowd, John Stasko. (slides) "Logging Interactions to Learn About Visual Data Coverage" Tanja Blascheck, Steffen Koch, Thomas Ertl. (slides) |
09:40 - 10:10 | Panel discussion with speakers |
10:10 - 10:30 | Coffee Break |
10:30 - 11:00 | Panel papers presentations II: Visualizing Logs (Moderator: Charles Perin) "Interaction Log and Provenance for Sensemaking" Phong H. Nguyen, Kai Xu, B. L. William Wong. "Leveraging Interaction History for Intelligent Configuration of Multiple Coordinated Views in Visualization Tools" Andrew Pachuilo, Eric D. Ragan, John R. Goodall. "Results and Challenges in Visualizing Analytic Provenance of Text Analysis Tasks Using Interaction Logs" Rhema Linder, Alyssa M. Peña, Sampath Jayarathna, Eric D. Ragan. "SpatialVis: Visualization of Spatial Gesture Interaction Logs" Erik Paluka, Christopher Collins. |
11:00 - 11:30 | Panel discussion with speakers |
11:30 - 12:10 | Group discussion (Moderator: Jeremy Boy) Audience questions, roadmap, next steps (working document) |
12:10 - 14:00 | Collective Lunch |
This workshop addresses the following issues:
The workshop will be organized as follows:
The program may evolve depending on the number of submissions, but our goal is to allow as many people as possible to expose their point of view on this important topic. We invite IEEE Vis participants to contribute to this workshop in order to achieve the following goals:
The first step when setting up a logging process is to ask what should be recorded, when it should be recorded, and how (by the web server, by the application itself, etc.). For example, even a simple and ubiquitous interaction, like a mouse dragging, requires carefully considerations as it can generate a lot of noisy events resulting in very large and thus difficult to interpret log files.
As we have mentioned earlier, a series of tools log users by default (e.g. proxies, web servers). However, from the authors' practical experience, it is oftentimes necessary to build its own tools for the sake of control over the logging format and flexibility in types of events to tracks.
Logs reporting in academic papers varies with high discrepancies. This raises the need to improve logs analysis reporting to allow sound conclusions, and reproducibility of the evaluation.
As log collection and analysis is related to behavioral research involving humans, it requires approval from researchers' employer.
Finally, we think that agreeing upon a logging format and infrastructure, would have spillovers such as data interoperability and allow more applications building upon logs. Letting users visualize logs, whether it is their own or others, is a rich and promising area to identify patterns, insights of large logs collections. Logs may also enrich the user experience with enhanced history navigation, browsing and monitoring. More Infovis and Visual Analytics application already make sense of logs and we expect the workshop to discuss challenges (data type, user tasks, scalability, etc.) coming with those types of visualizations.
Romain Vuillemot: is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Université de Lyon, France.
Jeremy Boy: is currently a data visualization specialist at the United Nations Global Pulse New York Lab, USA.
Aurélien Tabard: is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Université Lyon 1, France.
Charles Perin: is a postdoc at the University of Calgary in the Innovis group.
Jean-Daniel Fekete: is a Research Director and the Aviz team leader at INRIA Saclay, France.